Top 10 emerging technologies of 2023

The report released by World Economic Forum (WEF) on 26th of June gave the list of technologies. These technologies have better chances of making our world a better place in the coming decades.

These technologies will improve our lives, according to world economic
forum.(Pic for representation purposes only.)

In collaboration with frontiers, the reports says that these cutting – edge technologies have ability to bring improvements in many fields. The report further provides the potential impacts of these technologies on economy growth, person, environment, and various industries.


Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director of World Economic Forum has said that new technologies will improve livelihoods, and set to transform economics and societies.


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Here are top 10 emerging technologies of 2023.

1.    Flexible Batteries:

·      Flexible batteries are energy storage devices that can be bent, or twisted, without losing their performance.

·      Unlike standard batteries, which are in general inelastic and inflexible, flexible batteries are designed to be highly flexible, allowing them to fit in various shapes and integrate into flexible electronic devices.


2.    Generative Artificial Intelligence(G.AI):

·      Generative artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a class of AI models and algorithms that have the ability to generate new content, such as images, text, music, and even videos, that mimic or resemble human-generated content. Examples include ChatGPT, WriteSonic, Jasper etc.

·      These models are designed to learn patterns and structures from training data and then use that knowledge to generate new, original content.


3.    Sustainable Aviation Fuel:

·      Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), also known as bio jet fuel or renewable jet fuel, is an alternative to conventional jet fuel that is derived from sustainable and renewable sources.

·      It is designed to reduce the environmental impact of aviation by mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing dependence on fossil fuels.

·      SAF is produced from feedstocks that are renewable and non-fossil based. These feedstocks can include various sources such as biomass, waste oils and fats, agricultural residues, algae, and even carbon capture technologies.


4.    Designer Phages:

·      Designer phages, also known as engineered phages or synthetic phages, refer to bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) that have been modified or engineered for specific purposes.

·      Phages naturally have the ability to infect and replicate within bacterial cells, making them potential tools for targeted bacterial eradication or manipulation.


5.    Metaverse for Mental Health:

·      The concept of the metaverse for mental health refers to the potential use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies within a digital, immersive space to support mental health and well-being.

·      The metaverse can offer unique opportunities for mental health interventions and support by leveraging the immersive and interactive nature of VR/AR technologies.


6.    Wearable Plant Sensors:

·      Wearable plant sensors are specialized devices that can be attached or integrated into plants to monitor various aspects of their health and environmental conditions.

·      These sensors provide real-time data on plant physiology, growth parameters, and environmental factors, allowing for better plant management and more informed decision-making in agriculture, horticulture, and environmental monitoring.


7.    Spatial Omics:

·      Spatial omics refers to the integration of spatial information with omics technologies, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, to study the spatial organization and interactions of molecules within biological systems.

·      It aims to understand how the spatial arrangement of cells, tissues, and molecules influences biological processes, cellular functions, and disease mechanisms.


8.    Flexible Neural Electronics:

·      Flexible neural electronics refers to the development of electronic devices and systems that are flexible and conformable, allowing them to interface with the complex and curved surfaces of the brain and nervous system.

·      These devices are designed to record neural activity, stimulate neural circuits, or deliver therapeutic interventions while maintaining compatibility with the soft and delicate nature of neural tissue.


9.    Sustainable Computing:

·      Sustainable computing refers to the practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computer systems and their components in an environmentally responsible manner.

·      It focuses on reducing the environmental impact of computing technologies throughout their lifecycle, including energy consumption, resource usage, electronic waste generation, and carbon emissions.


AI-Facilitated Healthcare:

·      AI-facilitated healthcare refers to the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in various aspects of healthcare delivery, including diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and administrative tasks.

·      AI has the potential to enhance medical decision-making, improve patient outcomes, streamline workflows, and address challenges in healthcare delivery.


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